Since I was notified by my wife that we'd be moving the old Great Falls layout has been dismantled... and as of Nov 1 2008 we have taken possession of our new place, and I staked my political claim to bedroom to be used for the Great Falls Layout... owned and operated by the Pacific South Eastern Railway.
There has been quite a bit of construction going on... lets take a look.
The first image I'd like to share is the layout to the left... the original plan for this room. It's changing quite drastically the more and more I work on the new layout as ideas keep popping into my head on how to make this layout better.
The first major change was to the terminal section:

Kinda a blurry pic... sorry. But as you can kinda see I just moved the freight yard for
speaking of building...
The benchwork has been started... and finished for the terminal section only... which is all the treasury has for funding at the moment... BUT
I'll let the rest of the pics tell the story... in the next post.
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