Sunday, December 28, 2008

Just when you think things couldn't get worse...

I got two nice steamers for Christmas this year...

A wonderfuly beautiful Con-Cor 2-10-2 USRA, and an equally appealing Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0

The Consolidation has some damage, was obviously used and returned, and my wife paid full pop for it for Christmas... so naturally a lil pissed off. Oh well, the shop says they will replace it for me. Anyways... I proceeded to install my DZ123 decoder from my shelf... when stripping the wires, they all popped off the decoder! how wonderful! I can't even find a pinout... I decided I should probably test the lil bugger before tearing it apart on my workbench... yup, don't run. Fuck.

The 2-10-2 is a similar story of pain and suffering. This one came via Ebay thanks to ma & pa, so I really have no idea what recourse I have. It was a sealed loco though... very pretty. I painted it right away, slopping on the grimy black paint over the light blue gray of the Pennsy naming it had before. I then...without testing it first... installed a Soundtraxx Tusnami decoder. Thing sounds brilliant! Too bad it don't freakin run!

So I spent a good 4 hours troubleshooting it and getting it hooked up to run properly... finally with many wires running that were not there before... I got it running for 20 minutes on my test oval.... Then...and this is where it gets good... I hear chugging from the decoder, but I don't hear it moving! WTF?! The MOTOR FUCKING SIEZED!

I'm about ready to go sell it all and play with airplanes...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Some photos in Calgary

Just some photos from my recent trip to Calgary

Friday, December 12, 2008


is a nice video that inspired me for the top layer of that layout plan below... in fact I wanna re-create this scene as much as possible!

New plans

What you see here (why the hell is it typing a link?)

is the original track plan for my Great Falls layout... but I started to grow unhappy with it and stopped liking the operational abilities of it... so it's time to move on.

That and I convinced the wife to let me take the door off the room, so that gives me a few more square feet of construction room! :)

The new plan... wtf?

is what you see here...

it's a double decker, with the first image being the top layer. Think of this as a scenic run along the Pacific Ocean coming outa the rocky mountains...

So the track won't be as straight as you see it, but will curve along the beach front. Should be a really cool scene!


And this is the bottom section. Terminal is as constructed so far... I can't really change it now... but the rest is all new! The lower left section is a return loop as this layout is now a point to point style with two terminals. There will be a small lumber yard inside the loop.

The other side of the layout is a nice branch line with the mainline run. The mainline will actually pass underneath the branchline into the helix which will take the train up 16 inches to the top layer.

I'm pretty excited about this... not only should it be 100x easier to construct that of the first plan, but it should also be more entertaining to operate. Sure it does not have a few of the things I wanted to incorperate... but thats compromise I guess...

Canadian National Mountain U-1-F Class

Conversion of my Bachmann Light Mountain locomotive with vandy tender has started.

First things first, I believe the color is off... True Line Trains Olive is the color I used here...which should be correct but does not seem to be bright enough. So I'll be checking into that PDQ.

The other issue I'm having is that the tender is FRAKING HUGE compared to the prototype... and will be a royal pain in the ass to shorten to the proper size. But that's okay. I'm building this for me. :)

The side rails are made from ting styrene, as is the backing for the cab... which is not completed yet.

But for a first attempt at kitbashing I'm actually quite pleased with my progress. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. The cone is the next step...which I still don't know what I'm gonna do...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Picture time

So the first thing I did was print off my terminal's trackplan from Winrail9 and lay it out on the foam to make sure the measurements worked. And for the most part all is well... but how to transfer the track

That part was easy! but tedious and took a few hours thats for sure. What I did was cut out the track plan and tack it down on the foam. I then bought some nice water based laytex paint (can't remember the color... it's like Birds-nest by CEL or something like that) and painted the whole thing.... the idea is that I'm using the track plan as a stencil so that I'll know where everything goes!

As the paint dried I took out some woodland scenics fine blended turf and fine black turf and sprinkled it over the layout in the areas I wanted it in. After I got the general coverage I wanted from the two colors I took the greenery and sprinkled it over the black turf to simulate grass poking through. I'm pretty happy with the results!

The next step will be to cut a hole for my turntable and assemble that part of the layout!

It's been a while

Since I was notified by my wife that we'd be moving the old Great Falls layout has been dismantled... and as of Nov 1 2008 we have taken possession of our new place, and I staked my political claim to bedroom to be used for the Great Falls Layout... owned and operated by the Pacific South Eastern Railway.

There has been quite a bit of construction going on... lets take a look.

The first image I'd like to share is the layout to the left... the original plan for this room. It's changing quite drastically the more and more I work on the new layout as ideas keep popping into my head on how to make this layout better.

The first major change was to the terminal section:

Kinda a blurry pic... sorry. But as you can kinda see I just moved the freight yard forward and put the passenger terminal farther back. This allows easier construction and reaches for me when it comes to build and operate.

speaking of building...

The benchwork has been started... and finished for the terminal section only... which is all the treasury has for funding at the moment... BUT
I'll let the rest of the pics tell the story... in the next post.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I decided that even though I'm modeling the Canadian Rockies... I should still be able to buy some pretty pieces.

Well, I picked up the Kato GS-4 Daylight and it's accompanying 10 car passenger set. Oh my is brilliant! The whole set on my now stripped layout is just absolutely breath taking. The lettering is sharp, and the whole thing just looks amazing snaking through my layout.

I do wish it had the adapting kinematic couplers of my Kato UP cars, but alas, the articulated cars of the Daylight just look fantastic on the 11" radius corners.

The best part?

The GS4 pulls all 10 cars up my 6% grade without breaking a sweat...and very quickly! This is one powerful little locomotive. I didn't get the chance to add more cars to it as I had to start tearing apart the layout to pack things for our move.

That being said, everything has been packed up. Track is torn up, and I have been able to salvage about 10% of what I have built. Construction restarts in December.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bad time to walk into the hobby shop

So I've had a Bachmann Consolidation on hold now at my fav hobby shop for about a week. Yesterday I went in with the plan of taking it off hold and aquiring an F3A and putting an F3B on hold.

But when I arrived I was notified my orders from 4 months ago finally came in! So now I'm working the budget around to get even more for my layout. This will most likely be one of my last acquisitions for a pretty long time. All I need now is a few more cabooses, some logging cars, and a few more coaches.

So heres' the up and coming rundown:
Intermountain F3A CNR 54' scheme
Intermountain F3B CNR 54' scheme
Walthers Proto-2000 Berkshire (to be decaled for CPR)
Concor Baggage Car CNR 54' scheme (microtrains trucks needed)
Concor Passenger Coaches CNR 54' scheme (x2) (microtrains trucks needed)

So what will be left for the acquistions will be:
set of four-five logging cars
a few CNR/CPR cabooses
a couple more Concor CNR 54' scheme passenger cars. Probabably dining, sleepers
A CPR Pacific
CPR diesel of some kind.
CPR concor passenger cars

My layout is currently pretty full. But I'm moving soon and the layout is pretty much being put on hold for now. I don't want to spend anymore money on landscaping as it'll all go in the garbage before winter holidays anyways.

The new layout will be taking up a small bedroom, so the layout will be much larger than the small 4x8 plan I have setup now. Hopefuly I'll be able to utelize most of this motive power and rolling stock!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Slow coming

Work has been very slow on the layout as of late... mostly for funding reasons. But even more roadblocks may be in the way...

New acquisitions to the Great Falls Railroad have been sparse since last time...but a few prize peices have shown up.

The Heavy Mountain from Bachman Spectrum finally made its way to the PGR engine facility. It's been months since it was ordered, but its here!

Big problem with the 4-8-2 though and it's Vandy Tender... the coupler is mounted too low! and now I gotta wait on some Microtrains couplers to arrive to see fi they will help out. I've e-mailed bachman and never got a reply... I also noticed that this loco does not have a Bell. Musta fallen off during packing? Very disapointed. But it runs quiet, smooth, and has incredible low speed stability.

The J-Class 4-8-4 from Bachmann also arrived. I wired it up with a Digitrax DZ143 for now. I'll be doing a sound install on it when the money is available. The DZ143 will then go into my Model Power Pacific. The J is an amazing puller and is very well built. It navigates the layout quite well for it's large size, but I think my curves may be borderline too tight. It seems to have guidence issues at the overpass. But most of my locos do due to the lack of bridge support there.

My big prize was an Atlas 2T Shay! This is an amazing little beast of a loco. It's SO SMALL! have no idea how tiny this loco is until you see it sitting beside the J-Class...or even the Challeneger. It runs very smoothly and has been able to take a 5 car train all the way around the layout in both directions without problems. DCC install has roadblocked me due to how small it is and how fragile it is. I pretty much gave up once I noticed I had to start cutting...then during reassembly the coupler fell apart. So I'll be shipping it off for a proper install. The fully detailed and animated gear-work on the side is amazing and intoxicating to watch. This is an AMAZING loco, I hope it gets reissued so I can buy a couple more.

I got 5 CN beer can cars, 2 CN Baggage Express, a BC Rail caboose, a CN caboose, and a couple of other rolling stock items as well.

More on the big roadblocks later!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Roster evolves

Acquisition week here for the Great Falls RR. I have gotten a hold of some prime pieces for amazing deals that I couldn't pass up.

First off, Kato Smooth Side Union Pacific passenger car set. The two 4 car sets are just amazingly detailed and look fantastic running along the Great Falls. In fact, my Challenger has had no issues (Aisde from the odd derailment caused by overhanging rock faces) in getting the 8 car train all the way around the layout. Looks fantastic doing it too... check out the vid!

But thats not the only thing that came in the mail....

My Lt. Mountain finally got back from its DCC install, and operates very well. Unfortunately its tender is still Rapido mounted...and my Vandy tender for it has a really low it's not pullin nothing right now!

I also got a few cars in the mail... CN Through Baggage, CN Express Reefers, both in the green/gold. The Baggage cars seem to be propper shades of green, and are done by Lifelike/proto2000. the Reefers are from Athearn and are a lot darker than what I would call prototypical. But apparently they are 'weathered' ...even though all it looks like is that the paint is faded. The Trucks are bad on the athearns too...not very smooth, but the couplers are better than decent. I also found a few BC Rail cars and CN cabooses at Hobby Wholesale that I've been anxious to get for quite a while!

Also in the lineup for incoming over the next two weeks are:
Bachmann Heavy Mountain DCC equipped
Bachmann J-Class 4-8-4
Atlas 2 Truck Shay
Lifelike CN 3 dome tank cars (set of 6)
Lifelike BC Rail Boxcars (set of 3)
Lifelike CN Baggage cars (yes more!)
Lifelike CN & BC Rail cabooses (yes...MORE!)

At the local hobby shop I also got quite a few things on order...but their taking an eternity to get... I'm at three months now from my initial order... oh well.
Bachmann Heavy Mountain DCC equipped
Concor CN Green/gold/black passenger cars (coach, dinner, RPO)
Lifelike/Proto2000 Berkshire 2-8-4

I've learned that the shells from the Concor passenger cars will fit onto the Kato running frames with little to no modification. So if I can find good deals on Kato passenger cars I'll be grabbin them to do the modification. I've also learned that Rapido is going to be doing the CN green/gold cars in n-scale in the very near future! So I'm very excited for the *gasp& $45.00/car rolling stock! At least they come lighted... still compared to the $130 it cost for the 8 Kato's and 12 light boards... I'm a lil flabergasted at that price PER CAR!

I need to focus on buildings and scenery now... my layout is already at it's MAX for what it can handle for rolling stock and motive power... in fact I think it's a lil over populated since the UP passenger sets showed up... and now with the Shay on the way I gotta get me some logging cars.... maybe I can expand somehow....

Thursday, May 15, 2008

final post for the night... Youtubes!

here are some Youtube videos of my layout:

Video tour ft. Mikado

Challenger vs 6% grade

Mikado and 0-8-0 double team the mountain

0-8-0 Solo

Train consits

So last post we talked about what motive power will be present on my layouts now and in the future. P.S. I plan on doing my next layout based on Seattle to Vancouver in the transition era.

So this post will associate the motive power to their trains. Most of the motive power and the passenger cars will have to be repainted.

Heavy Passenger Service -
To be headed by one of the heavy mountains to be kitbashed to resemble CNR U1F #6060. Train will be considered 'Trans Canada passenger service'
Cars will be Kato smooth-side cars that will be repainted from UP to CNR green/gold. Consist is:
RPO, Baggage, 2x Dome, 2x Sleeper, Observation, 2x Coaches, Dinner

Heavy Passenger Service -
To be headed by one of the heavy mountains to be kitbashed to resemble CNR U1F #6069. Train will be considered 'provincial service from Vancouver to Edmonton'
Cars will be Kato smooth-side cars that will be repainted from UP to CNR green/gold. Consist is:
RPO, Baggage, Dome, Observation, 2x Coaches, Dinner

Light Passenger Service -
To be headed by lt. mountain 4-8-2. non streamlined
Train will be assigned to light passenger between Vancouver and Banff
Cars will be Con-Cor smooth side passenger cars consisting of:
RPO, Coach, Coach

Light Freight Service -
To be headed by a Kato Mikado
Assigned to run cars between the mines and Vancouver
cars will be Walthers dump cars and Athearn ore cars

Light Freight Service -
To be headed by a Kato Mikado
Assigned to transport beer from the Nelson brewery to Vancouver and Seattle
cars will be Aztec Beer cars. At least three will be labeled 'Steam Whistle'

Maintenance of Way -
To be headed by a Bachmann Consolidation
Assigned to clean the tracks and assist broken down trains
cars will be: Aztec cleaner car, Atlas cleaner car, Tichy crane cars and snow plow cars

Branch line Service -
To be headed by a Bachmann Consolidation
Assigned to the branch line from Vancouver to Nelson.
cars will be: Life-Like Box cars, Atlas Flat Cars, Con-Cor Coach

International Freight -
To be headed by Athearn UP Challenger
Assigned to haul heavy freight between Seattle and Vancouver.
cars will be a large assortment of brands and style...from Atlas flats, Athearn ore cars/box cars, Life-Like box cars...and yet to be decided oil tankers

International Passenger -
To be headed by Bachmann J-Class
Assigned to haul international heavy passenger service between Seattle and Vancouver.
cars will consist of Kato Great Northern Empire Builder cars.
Mosty dome, coaches, sleepers

Heavy Freight -
To be headed by FP7 A & B units
Assigned to haul mixed freight across Canada. Consist will be similar to the UP Challenger

Yard Workers -
GP9's, Berkshire, 0-8-0, MP16DC's will all be assigned to switch cars around in the various yards throughout the layout

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Proposed locomotive roster

While my layout currently is pretty small, the wife and I are planning on moving within the year, and this layout will probably have to be destroyed/dismantled when we do move. I'm using it as a learning experience so when I build my larger layout I'll have a lot more skills under my belt.

But also with the plan of a larger layout in the future, I can also add a lot more motive power!

Motive power right now consists of:
Athearn Union Pacific Challenger 4-6-6-4
Kato Canadian National RDC-1
Kato Canadian National Mikado 2-8-2
Proto2000 Canadian National Switcher 0-8-0
Bachmann Canadian National Lt. Mountain 4-8-2
Atlas Canadian National GP9

Motive power that is current only order:
Bachmann Canadian National Hvy. Mountain 4-8-2
Proto2000 Canadian National Berkshire 2-8-4

But I also plan to add:
Bachmann Canadian National Hvy. Mountain 4-8-2
Bachmann Canadian National Consolidation 2-8-0
Bachmann Canadian National Consolidation 2-8-0
Bachmann Great Northern J-Class 4-8-4
Kato Mikado 2-8-2
Atlas Canadian National GP9
Intermountain Canadian National F7A
Intermountain Canadian National F7A
Intermountain Canadian National F7B
Intermountain Canadian National F7B
Atlas Canadian Pacific MP16DC
Con-Cor Canadian National Hudson 4-6-4
Kato Canadian National RDC3

This will give me quite a lot of my fav motive power on my layout, and for a layout as large as I can hopefully build I'll be able to make use of it all.

Next post? Train association game!

How long does it take to build a mountain

how long did it really take one to build a mountain?

According to biblical texts less than a day for God to form the scenery of our planet.

According to 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' it took thousands of men to build the planet...but I can't remember how long it took.

According o me...well it has taken me aprox 10 hours to build what you see in the picture to the right.

Playing 'God' is actually pretty easy, and has been pretty fun. In fact building these mountains has been one of the most enjoyable parts of my layout so far, and a hell of a lot cheaper than I expected. I still have a lot to learn about this, but I think I've done pretty good so far.

Most of the mountain range has been completed at this time, there is very little to be added on here, and most of which is not visible in the photo. Just stuff to let to the scenery flow a bit easier.

The one thing that really crippled me with the scenery is how I didn't plan for mountains to take up as much room as I did, and now I have to alter the track plan a bit. I also need to get my building kit for the primary brewery facility that will be placed in this I can still modify how the mountains are at this time.

However I also don't want to put the structure up until I paint the mountains up.

Layout planning

Well this is my fist real layout that I've ever done, so there was a lot to learn. In fact this is probably the tenth revision I made until I actually started building.

This is kind of an 'up until now' post that explains how I came up with the plan and whats been done up till now.

The original layout was based upon layout n-11017 but with a few extra sidings and then a loop off to the side that goes up to a raised area where I built up my turntable area with an extra couple of sidings. This was going to be my engine facility, but I really don't have enough room to build more than a roundhouse here.

I built that layout and came across numerous issues. For starters I had quite a few 9-1/4" radius curve track pieces in place, with the main line having two large curves containing nothing but. While my locomotives consist mainly of larger steam when I built the layout (lt. mountain and a Challenger) the 9-1/4" radius curves are just to small. Secondly I had some pretty warped track, and nothing was glued down, just tacked in with nails. So I tore up all but the majority of the main line.

I then turned around and developed another track plan that gave a bit more interesting and prototypical operations. It also allowed me to do a fresh restart with new track and roadbed.

During construction it evolved to the track plan shown in this posting.

Now my motive power could all but navigate the main line with ease (seeing as how I don't got much of the yard built at the moment, its all main line!) however there are two hicups on the main line runs.

Heading eastbound the Challenger seems to jump track as it comes off the bridge that leads to the lower east wing of the layout (by the roundhouse). So now I try to only run it to the west. However westbound traffic likes to jump track on the turnout that heads north, only when the turnout is switched to send the train off to the right instead of on the more northern track. Something is out of gauge there I'm guessing because even rolling stock and my Mikado are having issues there.

The plan itself was inspired from two specific sources. The first being the layout mentioned above, the second was from an article in a Model Railroading magazine article. It mentioned that some HO industries can be so large that they can take up a whole module. Sure enough even in N-scale the 'brewery' industry that was listed there still takes up an incredible amount of room. The trackage for the brewery can be seen in the center area. I'm still going to be using a brewery style industry, but it is going to be a smaller facility with other industry present.