Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bad time to walk into the hobby shop

So I've had a Bachmann Consolidation on hold now at my fav hobby shop for about a week. Yesterday I went in with the plan of taking it off hold and aquiring an F3A and putting an F3B on hold.

But when I arrived I was notified my orders from 4 months ago finally came in! So now I'm working the budget around to get even more for my layout. This will most likely be one of my last acquisitions for a pretty long time. All I need now is a few more cabooses, some logging cars, and a few more coaches.

So heres' the up and coming rundown:
Intermountain F3A CNR 54' scheme
Intermountain F3B CNR 54' scheme
Walthers Proto-2000 Berkshire (to be decaled for CPR)
Concor Baggage Car CNR 54' scheme (microtrains trucks needed)
Concor Passenger Coaches CNR 54' scheme (x2) (microtrains trucks needed)

So what will be left for the acquistions will be:
set of four-five logging cars
a few CNR/CPR cabooses
a couple more Concor CNR 54' scheme passenger cars. Probabably dining, sleepers
A CPR Pacific
CPR diesel of some kind.
CPR concor passenger cars

My layout is currently pretty full. But I'm moving soon and the layout is pretty much being put on hold for now. I don't want to spend anymore money on landscaping as it'll all go in the garbage before winter holidays anyways.

The new layout will be taking up a small bedroom, so the layout will be much larger than the small 4x8 plan I have setup now. Hopefuly I'll be able to utelize most of this motive power and rolling stock!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Slow coming

Work has been very slow on the layout as of late... mostly for funding reasons. But even more roadblocks may be in the way...

New acquisitions to the Great Falls Railroad have been sparse since last time...but a few prize peices have shown up.

The Heavy Mountain from Bachman Spectrum finally made its way to the PGR engine facility. It's been months since it was ordered, but its here!

Big problem with the 4-8-2 though and it's Vandy Tender... the coupler is mounted too low! and now I gotta wait on some Microtrains couplers to arrive to see fi they will help out. I've e-mailed bachman and never got a reply... I also noticed that this loco does not have a Bell. Musta fallen off during packing? Very disapointed. But it runs quiet, smooth, and has incredible low speed stability.

The J-Class 4-8-4 from Bachmann also arrived. I wired it up with a Digitrax DZ143 for now. I'll be doing a sound install on it when the money is available. The DZ143 will then go into my Model Power Pacific. The J is an amazing puller and is very well built. It navigates the layout quite well for it's large size, but I think my curves may be borderline too tight. It seems to have guidence issues at the overpass. But most of my locos do due to the lack of bridge support there.

My big prize was an Atlas 2T Shay! This is an amazing little beast of a loco. It's SO SMALL! have no idea how tiny this loco is until you see it sitting beside the J-Class...or even the Challeneger. It runs very smoothly and has been able to take a 5 car train all the way around the layout in both directions without problems. DCC install has roadblocked me due to how small it is and how fragile it is. I pretty much gave up once I noticed I had to start cutting...then during reassembly the coupler fell apart. So I'll be shipping it off for a proper install. The fully detailed and animated gear-work on the side is amazing and intoxicating to watch. This is an AMAZING loco, I hope it gets reissued so I can buy a couple more.

I got 5 CN beer can cars, 2 CN Baggage Express, a BC Rail caboose, a CN caboose, and a couple of other rolling stock items as well.

More on the big roadblocks later!